Priceless ways to recognize your staff

medium_5405889438 (2)Rewarding team members doesn’t have to be costly or complicated. Simple and sincere recognition will raise spirits more than an expensive token will. Here are some ideas to recognize your staff:

  •  Invite a senior executive to attend a team meeting and personally congratulate your employees on a recent success.
  • Publicize great performance or recognize achievement by sending a press release to your hometown paper or trade publication. Other options: Blog about it or post it on your organization’s intranet.
  • Thank the person’s family for its support when an employee has had to work long hours or travel extensively. Send a handwritten note to the home. That shows you recognize the burden on everyone.

— Adapted from 1501 Ways to Reward Employees, Bob Nelson, Workman,

How do you tell your employees that you are grateful for everything they do?

photo credit: <a href=””>pjohnkeane</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>

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4 Responses to Priceless ways to recognize your staff

  1. Pingback: Priceless ways to recognize your staff Mar 7th « Interim-Executives

  2. Pingback: Priceless ways to recognize your staff + MORE | Interim Executives

  3. These are some great tips on ways to recognize your staff! Staff recognition is rare in so many cases, yet people really appreciate it! As I mention in my new e-book, “Executive Communication Strategies” (, putting a compliment in writing and making it as specific as possible are other strategies that can increase the impact even further. (Think about how you would feel if your boss did that for you!)

    Your blog is new to me; it is very practical and well-written, Jaimy!

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